Reading packets, please wait...
Aircrack-ng 1.2 rc4
[03:34:04] 48865264/102830763 keys tested (4139.19 k/s)
Time left: 3 hours, 37 minutes, 18 seconds 47.52%
Current passphrase: 051134749
Master Key : 31 A5 70 CB F9 03 80 27 89 CD 0A F7 64 9C B1 5B
7F 22 0F E3 81 B4 DF 5B 0C D7 1B 1A 4B 5F B5 C8
Transient Key : E6 33 BA 9C 0F 8C 21 F0 DB 10 62 07 4B 79 76 21
50 7E 46 83 96 8F 7B 85 DA 5B E7 63 26 96 33 14
AF 0C BF 49 C0 88 9F 0E 3E 0F EE AA 20 FD 0C 73
5A E9 F1 44 70 B4 03 D9 83 78 7C E2 32 21 74 9F
EAPOL HMAC : AE 03 C2 ED BE FC F7 91 11 D0 CE D1 C6 56 F7 C9
We should add an additional line with the BSSID and maybe other info the results screen as a summary.
We can run it with "aircrack-ng -a 2 -w paslist capture.ivs" and if the .ivs/.cap had multiple BSSID and we were asked at the beginning then we might not know which we'd chosen 43 hours later.