Hi, guys,
I have similar problem, therefore did not wanted to create separate thread for that.
I'm running Kali Linux on Raspberry pi 3.
Together with AWUS036NH (or at least I though this is the board).
Four way handshake does not seam to be recorded no matter what I do.
I tried to move all devices physically close (they are on the same table) - WiFi router I'm testing + raspberry with network card and My windows PC connected to WiFi network.
Even when I'm repeatedly restarting PC and connecting it back to WiFi network, handshake is not captured.
I also tried restarting android phone connected to the same WiFi but it had not provided any batter results.
I also thought it might be a problem with only 802.11n.
Therefore in router settings I marked that 802.11g would be used for network.
After repeating tests I still got the same results - no handshake.
So at the moment I'm thinking that it might be a hardware problem.
I checked label on the back of my network card.
Label says that it is AWUS036H (and not AWUS036NH as it was written on the box I received it in).
Also, MAC address written on it has prefix of 00:FF:00.
I tried to look it up, but it does not seam to be valid address:
http://coffer.com/mac_find/?string=00%3AFF%3A00So I took this device a part.
Board itself looks quite fake - it does not have any serial numbers or anything and look pretty simplistic.
Only number written on it is YHMB3070AT-L.
I tried googling it but it does not seam to be anything meaningful.
Also if overall board is supposed to look like this -
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=awus036nh+board&iar=images&iax=1&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwikidevi.com%2Fw%2Fimages%2Fthumb%2Fc%2Fc6%2FALFA_Network_AWUS036H_1000_board_top_rfshieldremoved_noscan.jpg%2F300px-ALFA_Network_AWUS036H_1000_board_top_rfshieldremoved_noscan.jpgIt is definitely not that.
However board I have on its chip have engraved (Ralink 3070L)
So should theoretically it still could be used as it have supported chip? (Ofc assuming chip is not fake as well).
Or is it just batter to throw away this kind of board and get a new one?
If so, maybe somebody has some recommendations how to find board on internet which would not be fake?