Sometimes you might not notice you were deauthenticated. Here is the story. I was using VNC to remote on a machine (both were on wifi) and I deauthenticated myself. The VNC session wasn't interrupted, so I though it failed. What happened is that the driver reauthenticated so quickly I didn't notice a drop in the session. How it behaves really depends on the driver.
I was curious about this last night. Running deauth on any of my devices did not cause them to stop pinging e.g. 'ping -t' on the windows machine was uninterrupted, neither did airodump pick up any handshakes despite running the ping and deauth for around 30 minutes whilst all devices were sat in very close proximity. I have noticed that if my target is idle I typically get
Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [80:1F:02...] [ 0| 0 ACKs]
Either side of the 0| 0 will occasionally be in the range 1-3. If the target is using the network, say streaming 1 hour of HD cats on youtube, the response leaps up.
Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [80:1F:02...] [229| 0 ACKs]
The target still does not deauth.
With myself as the target, running deauth causes the pings to drop but as soon as I stop the attack they resume. In this instance airodump starts to capture WPA handshakes.
Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [48:5A:B6...] [ 0|115 ACKs]
Notice I'm now getting high ACKs.
P.S. What exactly does 0| 0 represent? Is it SYN ACK?