Musket Teams have voted to released their Pixie Dust Data Sequence Analyzer for general use. This script was originally written to work with, a WPS locked intrusion script. But it can work with any text file output from modded reaver programs showing both PKE and PKR. simply reads any data output in text format from a modded reaver program, looks for valid Pixie Dust Sequences and extracts the pin using pixiewps. No cut and paste. You can check all the sequences in the file or just one. After the first valid sequence is found the program can cycle thru all the other sequences as required.
If you are not using VMR-MDK009x2 then simply use the command line:
reaver -i mon0 -a -f -c 1 -b 55:44:33:22:11:00 -vv | tee /root/VARMAC_LOGS/targetAP
The reaver command line side can be altered as required however the -vv must remain or
data will not be written.
There is a help file in the download. and are withdrawn which supports brute forcing a wps pin when using pixiewps1.1 by wiire is available at